Golden Acacia Migration
President of Golden Acacia Group/澳大利亚金合欢集团董事长
LEI Fei was the first world champion in Macau's history, and the Double winner of Miss Macau, as well as the Macau local star of stage, screen and video. Now she is the President of Shenzhen Century Leader Entertainment Co., Ltd, the President of Macao Fanjing Chunqiu Film Industry Co., Ltd, and the President of Australia Golden Acacia Group.

YAO Ziguang/姚紫光 (Vincent)
Registered Migration Agent 注册移民顾问
Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1466464) NAATI Professional Translator and Interpreter (NAATI CPN8MD58T)
Specialise in Australian visa and migration related matters. Provides expert migration advice to individuals and organisations. We offer personalised professional services to our clients.
Our migration service covers all areas of Australian migration law, with the specialty in business and investment migration, employer sponsored visas, skilled migration, and family reunion.

LEI Lisha/雷丽莎 (Lisa)
Senior Client Manager of Golden Acacia Migration Pty Ltd/澳大利亚金合欢移民公司高级客户经理
Bachelor of Art, Master of Management. Lisa is an experienced Client Manager, her serious attitude and patience helped our customers solved a lot of practical problems.

LEI Chenyang/雷晨阳 (Ray)
Marketing Manager of Golden Acacia Migration Pty Ltd in Tasmania/澳大利亚金合欢移民公司驻塔斯马尼亚市场经理
Ray is an experienced marketing manager who lives in Tasmania, Australia. Ray have the certificate for advanced fire-fighting training, the certificate for proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats and the certificate for proficiency in medical first aid, etc.
Ray 在塔斯马尼亚居住,他有丰富的市场拓展经验。Ray 拥有高级消防培训合格证,精通救生艇筏和救助艇培训合格证,以及精通急救培训合格证等相关证照。